
8 min read

OSC Certification, Explained

Learn what an OCS certification is and why it matters when choosing furniture for your home or office. 

Written by:

Christi Farrell, RA, Leed GA


December 17, 2023

Image source:

Studio Marlowe

The health and well-being of individuals have become primary considerations in modern interior design principles.

One aspect of this growing trend is the emphasis on choosing materials and products that are certified for being healthy and environmentally responsible.

Among the various certifications available today, the Organic Content Standard, or OSC Certification, stands out as a significant marker for products that meet established criteria for organic material content.

In this article, we'll delve into what OSC Certification entails, why it's relevant in healthy interior design, and the implications for brands claiming this certification.

What is OSC Certification?

OSC Certification refers to the Organic Content Standard, developed to provide a clear and transparent method for verifying the organic content in products.

This standard aims to assure consumers that the materials used in certified products contain a specified percentage of organic material, which has been verified at each step of the production process.

It involves a third-party certification process that ensures the traceability and integrity of the raw materials used.

The Importance in Healthy Interior Design

Healthy interior design focuses on creating spaces that promote the well-being of its occupants.

This includes using materials that are free from harmful chemicals and pollutants, which could contribute to poor indoor air quality and health risks.

Products with OSC Certification play a pivotal role in this movement because they are guaranteed to contain organic materials that have been sourced responsibly.

This reduces the presence of toxic substances in the built environment and contributes to the overall healthiness of a home or commercial space.

Incorporating OSC certified products can substantially increase the assurance of a healthy and sustainable environment.

Brands with OSC Certification

Several brands in the interior design industry claim to have OSC Certification.

These brands are typically more keen on sustainable practices and place health and eco-friendliness at the forefront of their product development.

Brands that tout this certification are signaling their commitment to transparency and responsibility in their production processes.

It is, however, important for consumers to verify these claims by asking for proof of certification or checking the certifying body's database.

Why is OSC Certification Critical?

Health Benefits

Exposure to non-organic materials that may contain pesticides, heavy metals, or other harmful chemicals can lead to long-term health issues.

OSC Certification reduces these risks by assuring that the materials are organic and, therefore, less likely to contain such substances.

Environmental Impact

The production of non-organic materials often involves practices that can be detrimental to the environment.

OSC Certification encourages sustainable farming and production methods, minimizing the ecological footprint of the products.

Ethical Considerations

Consumers are increasingly aware of the ethical implications of their purchasing choices.

OSC Certification supports ethical practices by promoting supply chain transparency and ensuring that all parties involved in the production of organic materials are treated fairly.

How to Verify OSC Certification

Checking the Certifier's Website

Most certifying organizations maintain a database or provide a list of certified products and companies on their website.

Consumers can look for this information to confirm that a product or brand truly possesses the certification.

Identifying the Certification Label

Products that are OSC Certified will usually carry a label or a tag that indicates their status.

This label should contain a certification number or a scannable QR code that links to more information about the certification.

Requesting Documentation

Consumers can also ask companies for their OSC certification documentation as proof.

A legitimate certificate will detail the scope of the certification and will be issued by a recognized certifying body.

Challenges in OSC Certification

Misleading Claims

Unfortunately, some brands may make false claims regarding OSC Certification.

It is important for consumers to critically evaluate these claims and seek evidence of certification.

Cost and Accessibility

The process of obtaining OSC Certification can be costly and complex, which may deter some smaller brands from seeking certified status.

This sometimes limits the availability of OSC certified products in the market.

The Future of OSC in Interior Design

The demand for healthy and sustainable products is driving more brands towards OSC Certification.

As awareness and consumer demand increase, we can expect to see a wider array of certified products become available.

This will likely shape the future of interior design, steering it towards more responsible and environmentally conscious practices.

Frequently asked questions about OSC Certification

Q: How does a product become OSC Certified?

A: A product becomes OSC Certified by undergoing a third-party verification process which ensures the organic material used meets the standard's requirements from the farm to the final product.

Q: What does OSC Certification mean for consumers?

A: For consumers, OSC Certification means the product has a verified content of organic materials, which can contribute to a healthier home environment and reduced environmental impact.

Q: Are all organic products OSC Certified?

A: Not all organic products are OSC Certified. Some may contain organic materials but have not gone through the certification process due to various reasons, including costs or the decision of the producer.

Q: Can consumers trust the OSC label on products?

A: Yes, provided the certification is legitimate. Consumers should still perform due diligence by checking the authenticity of the certification label or documentation.


OSC Certification is becoming increasingly important in the world of interior design, merging the need for aesthetic appeal with health and environmental considerations.

As consumers become more educated about the benefits of choosing certified products, and more brands seek OSC accreditation, we can anticipate a marketplace that prioritizes not just beauty but also the well-being of both people and the planet.

It is up to both brands and consumers to uphold the standards that OSC Certification represents, ensuring that what we bring into our homes contributes to a healthier, more sustainable world.

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OSC Certification, Explained

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Christi Farrell

Christi is a licensed architect and interior designer specializing in sustainability. She enjoys teaching design and bringing transparency to the impact that furniture has on our planet.

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